(原文来自:RollingStone India)(https://rollingstoneindia.com/guitar-loneliness-blue-planet-bocchi-the-rock-review-kessoku-band-anime-music/)Guitar, Loneliness and Blue Planet: ‘Bocchi the Rock!’ Review吉他,孤独与蓝色星球:“孤独摇滚!”点评作者:Rudraa Abirami Sudarshanhttps://rollingstoneindia.com/author/rudraasudarshan/*头图:https://rollingstoneindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Bocchi-The-Rock-02-960x540.jpg* The anime adaptation of Aki Hamaji’s Yonkoma (four panel) manga series ‘Bocchi the Rock!’ unveils the picture of what it takes to be a musician with crippling social anxiety. “孤独摇滚!”(作者:Aki Hamaji)改编动画,表现出了社交焦虑音乐人是怎样的。 As the low lights illuminate the stage at the cozy music club ‘STARRY,’ we get our first glimpse of the Kessoku (zip tie) Band. A cool collected bassist, a cheerful drummer and a box of ripe mangoes on guitar. 低处的灯光照亮了STARRY/繁星的舞台,这个让人舒适的地方。第一眼,我们便有了结束乐队的第一印象——凉酷的贝斯手,积极开朗的鼓手,以及成熟芒果箱子里的吉他手。 That’s how our protagonist and master guitarist Hitori ‘Bocchi’ Gotoh (whose online username is guitarhero) makes her onstage debut. Used to playing her guitar in the comfort of her cramped dark closet and uploading videos on the Internet for three years, Bocchi’s dream was to be part of a band, to become popular or at the very least, make some friends. So, when asked to be a last-minute guitarist for a band, Bocchi doesn’t refuse. More like, Bocchi is too socially anxious to even get a word in edgewise. Kessoku Band’s debut does not go as expected; they’re all out of sync. Bocchi might be able to shred on guitar when performing solo but playing with a group is a different ballgame. That isn’t even getting to the part about overcoming the fear of performing before a live audience. 这就是我们的吉他大师 后藤 一里/独 “波奇” (孤独一人),(网名guitarhero/吉他英雄)的舞台初秀。她已经她最舒服的狭窄黑暗的橱柜里弹吉他,传演奏视频的日子过了有三年了。波奇的梦想便是成为乐队的一份子,出名——或者至少交到朋友。所以,当被要求当一个乐队的紧急吉他手时,并没有拒绝。不过,更像是社交焦虑到极致,根本吐不出一个词来拒绝。当然,结束乐队的首次亮相并不如预期般的完美——她们全部步调不一。波奇单人演奏时是能做到“撕裂级别”的吉他演奏的,但团队演出便大有不同了。甚至,这还没到克服在真正的/现场的观众面前演奏的恐惧的那一步。 Hitori Bocchi (literally meaning ‘alone’) spends her time like Walter Mitty or playing guitar. Rather than face reality, she lives in her head, where it’s safe. She feels at home in small dark spaces like cupboards or trash cans where she’s often found hiding. On a good day, Bocchi can summon the courage to look people in the eye. On most days, Bocchi either passes out or turns to dust. 一里/独 波奇 (即“孤独一人”)过日子就是要么做白日梦,要么就弹吉他。与其去面对现实生活,她更愿意活在自己的脑海里,那个安全的地方。当然,她也常被发现在那些让她能“和回家了一样”的黑暗狭小之处,如橱柜、垃圾桶。情况好时,能看到波奇正面面对外人。不过,大多数时候要么昏倒,要么就是化成灰了。 Though Bocchi the Rock! is primarily a show focused on music, it also deals with how difficult it can be for a person with extreme social anxiety to live day to day, which is especially highlighted in this slice-of-life anime. Bocchi’s internal monologues and mental gymnastics to get herself out of situations with people are as hilarious as they are endearing. Though the tempo at which Bocchi makes progress is larghissimo, by the end of the season we see she’s slowly coming out of her shell, although not quite. 尽管“孤独摇滚!”主要专注于与音乐,它作为一部“反映生活”的动画,也聚焦刻画了严重社交焦虑的人活过简单的一天天有多么困难。波奇的内心独白和精神表现的有趣程度正如这些表现的可爱之优胜级表现一样。虽然,波奇所要做的改变是很大的,但这一季的末尾我们也看到她慢慢的改变了,尽管不是非常明显。*图片:https://rollingstoneindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Anime-Key-visual-1-768x1084.jpg* The other half of Bocchi the Rock! is centered around the music and specifically, the struggles of a musician. It’s not an easy task, breaking into the music scene. Bocchi the Rock! illustrates that well and paints a realistic picture exploring the difficulties one faces. There’s a lot of work that goes into being in a band, the hardest thing isn’t even coming up with the music and lyrics. There’s so much to do, whether it is making sure you’ve met your ticket quota to the difficulties in obtaining a place to perform. Practice sessions mean renting out a studio, then there’s reserving a venue, making and selling band merch at concerts, bringing out an album (let alone a single), making sure your instruments are in top form, to name a few. The long and short of it is that not only does it take time, but also money. “孤独摇滚!”的另一面聚焦于音乐——准确而言,是音乐人的挣扎。进入音乐的领域可不简单,而孤独摇滚则非常优秀地描绘出了这些挣扎,刻画除了音乐人艰难探索的样子。成为乐队的一份子要有那么多事情要做,甚至处理音乐和歌词还不是最难的。那么多事情要做——无论是确认售票额能否保证你能满足演奏场地需求。练习时刻也意味着要组借工作室,随后预定场地,音乐会卖周边,发布专辑(单曲就更难了),确认乐器状态良好,给一些东西起名……这些大大小小的事情不但花时间,还要花钱。 | Also See >> K-drama Flashback : 12 Classic K-Pop Music Videos Featuring K-Drama Actors | 参见/另见 >> 韩剧闪回:韩剧演员出场的经典12部流行韩曲视频 As for the songs, there is the question; do you cater to the masses or write for yourself? Bocchi may be an introvert but the lead singer Kita is your textbook extrovert. Keeping in mind Kita-chan’s aura that shines with the power of a thousand massive stars, Bocchi struggles to picture how it’ll be for someone like that to sing gloomy lyrics. 说到歌曲,这里有一个文字:你究竟是会为了众人而放弃自我写歌,还是为了真正的自己而写?波奇可能是内向的,但主唱喜多酱就是那教科书级别的外向角色。别忘了,喜多那若千万颗巨星闪耀般的光环。波奇会挣扎着去想象,像是喜多那样外向的人唱这些阴郁的歌词是怎样的。 Like a ship having designated positions for its crew to stay afloat, so does Kessoku as a band. The members have to work in absolute tandem. Each member has a specific part to play, other than their instruments. And like any ship, if you want smooth sailing, you need to have complete understanding and respect for one another. It’s something that Kessoku– despite being an all-girl band – miraculously excels in. They support one another, are humble enough to admit areas they lack in and work together to get past their hurdles. Their ties are strong and their band’s name reflects that. Although Kessoku is translated as ‘zip tie,’ it’s actually a pun on Kessoku (結束), which means unity. 正如一艘船会有职位来保证不沉船一样的,结束乐队作为乐队也有如此的特点。乐手们必须齐心协力。她们各自有自己需要演奏的地方,不仅仅是她们乐器需要写作。当然,还犹如任何一艘船要平稳出海所需要的——完全理解、尊重彼此。这是结束乐队作为全是女孩子们的一个乐队之外,她们奇迹般擅长的东西。她们彼此支持,谦逊的承认不足之处,齐心协力跨越艰难险阻。她们彼此的连接十分强大,正如她们的乐队名字一样。尽管Kessoku/結束被翻译为“纽带/团结”,但实际上是关于 结束/Kessoku/結束 的一个双关,也就是团结的意思。 Bocchi the Rock! is a musical treat peppered with improvisations and techniques the characters use when performing. There’s a scene when Bocchi performs impromptu live on the street alongside a bassist (Kikuri Hiroi, who plays psychedelic rock). Kikuri’s improvised bassline complements the guitar, the resulting sound is a fun take of one of Kessoku Band’s songs. It is powerful, energetic and the strong bassline gives Bochhi better confidence to play live. “孤独摇滚!”是一方音乐药方,撒上了名为“角色演奏时的即兴演奏与技巧”的胡椒粉。其中有一幕,是波奇在街上与以为贝斯手(广井 菊里,演奏的是迷幻摇滚)开一场临时演奏。菊里的即兴贝斯音线与吉他相配合,所成之声是结束乐队曲子之一的一次有趣展现。富有力量、能量,而那强而稳定的贝斯音线给予了波奇现场演奏更大的自信。 The best concert in this season is the last one. Bocchi’s guitar’s E string snaps in the middle of a song and she’s unable to tune her B string as the peg is broken. On stage, as her solo begins, Bocchi in a stroke of genius decides to grab a can and plays slide guitar. Not only does she overcome her broken string/tuning dilemma but she also manages to give it a bluesy twist. And boy, does it make a difference, especially in a rock song. It’s something the Rolling Stones pioneered in the rock scene in their rendition of the Lennon-McCartney song “I Wanna Be Your Man,” where Brian Jones played bottleneck guitar. 最棒的一次演出便是这一季的最后一次演出。波奇的吉他E弦中途断了,而她因为B弦的旋钮也坏了而无法调音B弦。台上,当她的独奏开始只是,她灵机一动抓起一个酒罐并展现了她的滑音管弹法。她不仅克服了她断弦且不可调音的两难困境,并成功的扭转局面。哦天,这真的大有作用,特别是摇滚乐里。这可是滚石乐队首次在他们演奏Leenon-McCartney的“I Wnna Be Your Man”的摇滚演绎场景时,Brian Jones所展现的滑音管弹法。 | Also See >> #RSHitList: Featuring Andi Star, Bharg, Shreyas Bhartiya And More | 参见/另见 >> #RS热曲榜: Andi Star, Bharg, Shreyas Bhartiya 等入榜*视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJh5UeiULZs* The soundtrack of the show is amazing, which is to be expected of a music anime. There’s also been a physical release of their self-titled album and their digital album topped Billboard Japan’s weekly chart for the most downloaded album in the post-Christmas week with over 73,244 (and counting) copies sold! 其演奏时的音乐也是十分惊人的,不过这也符合对于其作为音乐动画的定位。同时,还有以其命名的实体专辑,以及他们的电子专辑。电子专辑以最多下载次数的专辑之名,在圣诞节的前一周,以超过7,3244次登顶了日本周榜。 In terms of visuals, the animation isn’t restricted to 2D alone. It incorporates a variety of styles and techniques, all of which is often used to illustrate Bocchi’s internal meltdowns with hilarious results. From zoetrope sequences to claymation to CGI to live action, the sudden change in animation style is surreal and makes you take a step back. It further hammers home the fact that Bocchi’s mind is so far removed from reality. Each character in Bocchi the Rock! is distinct with her own quirks, and it comes through in every single shot in this anime, whether it’s members walking down the street or in the middle of a performance. The change in body language is clearly portrayed, from the awkward robotic movements of Kessoku Band’s debut to the smooth, confident playing and Kita’s head tilt in the final electrifying concert. Perspective shots and cinematography coupled with the clever use of lighting add another layer of dynamism to the show, whether it’s close-up shots of the girls as they play or showing Bocchi’s isolation. 当涉及到视觉领域,孤独摇滚并不局限于普通的2D。其融入了多种艺术形式及技巧,多用于以有趣的形式描绘波奇内心崩坏。从跑马灯到CGI再到实际动作,动画的画风突变非常超现实主义。还能让你稍微从其中脱离。这更重重地坐实了此时波奇的思维已经离现实世界园区。每个角色对波奇的奇怪表现都有不同的翻译,而这一点贯彻了整部动画——无论是她们在街道上走动,或者是演奏中途。身体语言的变化被清楚的刻画,从初次亮相的尴尬、机械式动作到最后自信顺畅的演奏,以及喜多在最后一场“电人的”(令人激动的)演出时头部的倾斜。透视角度以及摄影技术搭配灯光的灵活使用为演出带来了另外一层的动感,无论是演出时对女孩们的特写还是展现波奇的内心世界。 The little easter eggs and references in the show are also fun to spot, from Bocchi undergoing cyberpsychosis (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) to waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling like Shinji (Evangelion), to Dragon Ball and FLCL. Of course, being a music show there have to be music references. All of the members of Kessoku Band share their surnames with the corresponding members of the rock band Asian Kung-Fu Generation. And Bocchi’s Shiba Inu is named Jimihen, after Jimmy Hendrix! 发现片中的小彩蛋和致敬也是很有意思的,从波奇“赛博精神病发作”(赛博朋克:边缘行者)到碇真嗣(EVA)一样醒来面对陌生的天花板,再到龙珠和FLCL。当然,作为一部音乐为主的作品时必须要有音乐致敬的。结束乐队所有成员都与亚细亚功夫世代对应成员的姓氏所相对应。此外,波奇的柴犬命名为吉米亨,对应吉米·亨德里克斯! Bocchi the Rock! may not be the heaviest anime out there. There’s no action, no fight sequences, nothing earth-shattering but at the same time, it’s upbeat and inspiring. The story is charmingly simple, just a lonely girl with her guitar trying to make it through life on this blue planet. She’s awkward, and relatable, most of us have been a Bocchi or had a Bocchi in our life. You’ll be feeling secondhand embarrassment from seeing her antics and cheering her on as she overcomes her hurdles. She’s a hero all right, a “guitarhero,” wielding her guitar as a sword, fighting her anxiety. “孤独摇滚!”虽然可能并非最重量级的动画。没有动作戏,没有打斗情节,没有地球分崩离析,但同时——“孤独摇滚!”是乐观,并鼓舞人心的。故事是迷人的这般简单——只是一个有着她的吉他的孤独女孩尝试靠着吉他度日于这颗蓝色星球。她是笨拙的,但也是与我们生活息息相关的——我们中的大多数人曾是一个波奇,或者人生中遇到过一个波奇。你会从她滑稽的动作中感到一种传递而来的尴尬质感,也会在她跨越艰难险阻之后为她欢呼。她是一名英雄,一个“吉他英雄”,挥舞着她的吉他为剑,与她的焦虑相斗。Tags: Bocchi the Rock Bocchi The Rock! Kessoku标签: 孤独摇滚,“孤独摇滚!”,结束